Ever Wonder of Spaces?
Wonderspaces is a pop-up arts celebration that features installations that have been previously enjoyed at Burning Man, Sundance Film Festival, and SXSW.
If you're into contemporary art, you must make a visit to San Diego before it disappears at the end of the month!

Peep my IG for video of me turning up with the squad!

"Come Together" - Tiny pieces of hanging squares that create a fist from standing at one point.

A fully playable instrument of humanity. Piano keys are tuned to an individual's hoot when pressed.

Buttons that you can take that describe your feeling of the day (Hangry, Inspired, Bleh, Loved, & etc)

The Sweet Spot

3700 thin multicolor nylon cords (19 miles long) hanging ceiling to floor through handmade wood compartments

TheSlyng.com -> Kickstarter dropping in a couple of days!

Lemme take a selfie with all of my shadows

Come to me.

A helium-filled, membrane-like globe that is spiked with charcoals and floats freely in room, drawing on the walls.

The night sky and its humbling array of stars and galaxies incite similar allusions to the infinite and to the sacred.

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29 Rooms
29 rooms, contemporary art, modern art, pop up, los angeles
29 rooms, contemporary art, modern art, pop up, los angeles
How about, not so happy place?
Vibrant work from a living legend.
wonderspaces, san diego, contemporary art, museum, oneup, oneup collaborations, one up, theslyng, the slyng, NONOTAK STUDIO, Day dream, daydreamv2, daydream v2, On a Human Scale, matthew matthew, sweet spot, SHAWN CAUSEY, MARK DANIELL, Neon Tunnel, KITSCH NITSCH, on tilt, you + your shadows
Where childhood dreams come to life!
categories /
tags / wonderspaces, san diego, contemporary art, museum, oneup, oneup collaborations, one up, theslyng, the slyng, NONOTAK STUDIO, Day dream, daydreamv2, daydream v2, On a Human Scale, matthew matthew, sweet spot, SHAWN CAUSEY, MARK DANIELL, Neon Tunnel, KITSCH NITSCH, on tilt, you + your shadows
tags / wonderspaces, san diego, contemporary art, museum, oneup, oneup collaborations, one up, theslyng, the slyng, NONOTAK STUDIO, Day dream, daydreamv2, daydream v2, On a Human Scale, matthew matthew, sweet spot, SHAWN CAUSEY, MARK DANIELL, Neon Tunnel, KITSCH NITSCH, on tilt, you + your shadows