Life is Truly Beautiful

"Life is Beautiful," is not just a perfect statement, but it is also one of Las Vegas' premier festivals that has been running for 5 straight years. I originally had no interest in attending until my dear friend, Anthony, bought my ticket and convinced me that I would love how the whole festival was visually stimulating due to all of the curated and commissioned art work. Ohh, was he correct! I was mind blown by how flawless everything Life Is Beautiful (LIB) had to offer: Ease of access, perfect mixture of musical acts, and lots of abstract art!


Fafi - Fafinette

Martin Whatson. We don’t know which one is the real act of vandalism. The colorful graffiti or the industrial grey wall that try’s to cover it




Mike Ross - Big Rig Jig. Now, that's a balancing act

Mau Lencinas

Kevin Lyons @klyonsnatborn


The addition of the comedy shows seemed awesome in theory, but the acts we saw were lackluster =/

I've been meaning to take a trip out to New Mexico for Meow Wolf, but having a whole motel curated by them was a total win!

Inside each room was a different experience.

Send Noods

This was a Stranger Thing's themed room. The floor sank as you walked around.


Mark Drew - Peanuts and C.R.E.A.M.

Felipe Pantone's first 3D installation


Can't wait till next year! Comment down below if you wanna join!
Pro tip: Book the Downtown Grand Hotel when LIB dates get released.
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tags / LIB, life is beautiful, las vegas, mau lencinas, fafi, kevin lyons, mora myers, okudart, felipepantone, Bicicleta Sem Freio, mark drew, meow wolf
tags / LIB, life is beautiful, las vegas, mau lencinas, fafi, kevin lyons, mora myers, okudart, felipepantone, Bicicleta Sem Freio, mark drew, meow wolf