Going back... Back into time.
For the past 53 years, the Renaissance Pleasure Faire has taken place in Southern California. It has grown into an annual interactive playground and gallery for over 200,000 participants. Guest are not required to dress up, but I highly recommend it.
A group of friends invited me to my first faire last year, and I was hooked! Disconnecting from the real world and immersing myself in the culture of those who lived during the time between the middle and modern age was a humbling and exciting experience. Unfortunately, due to common story of, "As we get older, it's harder to get everyone together," my costume clad group dwindled down to a fraction of last year's. However, we reaped the benefits of not having to wait for anyone, and we got to do everything that we wanted at the perfect pace!
Prepare to travel back in time!
Medieval Dumplings
Live glass blowing demonstration
Free bowling... The drawback was that we had manually reset the pins and fetch our balls.
Live gypsy music
Dragon Rider and his Dragon
There were a lot of pay to play games, but this one was the biggest carni scam since a birdie told me that no one has won the jackpot in two years.
Pay to beat up dummies? Release that pent up anger kid!
When Pirates of the same band meet
Maypole dance
This dude was lit
In my element
Freshly made chips with bacon, cheese, sour cream, and green onions
Knife gang
It's harder than it looks. You need to be able to throw a fast ball to make the knives stick.
Got bubbles?
Pearl or bubble?
Egg in the basket
We won this medallion for getting the eggs in... Wait... What does it read?
Be different
Do you have the strength to hit the bell?
The queen and her children
This picture shall remind me to never photobomb again.
It was Polly's fault!
So... Who wants to come next year?