Splash House 2016 (Coverage)

Splash House(music), the 2-day Palm Springs summer pool party, popped off without a hitch 12-days ago. Ever since it's conception 3-years ago, I've always contemplated on going, but the thought of baking in 100+ degree weather always deterred me. However, I decided not live in F.O.M.O and put my mind over matter. The high was a sweltering 112 degrees over the weekend, and everyone including myself survived!
The music during the day was more deep house with no lyrics (my least favorite type of EDM), but as the sun went down, the tempo sped up, vocals were added, and drops were plenty!
Friday - Air Museum
Saturday - Riviera
Sunday - Riviera <->Saguaro

Friday night, the day before Splash House, the promoters threw a pre-party at the Air Museum with Hotel Garuda and Rufus Du Sol.

The one and only stage

Manilla Killa x Candle Weather = Hotel Garuda

The best seat in the house with Rufus Du Sol

I asked this random chick to take a photo for us, she took shots from 3 different angles, and this was the best one -_____-

*No, you're the cutest!*

The man of the weekend!

Smile right meow!

Day 1 @ The Riviera

When your friend tells you to meet you in the middle left.


The perfect set by Snake Hips to end the night

Day 2 @ Riviera -> The Saguaro -> Riviera

Enter at your own risk...

Who is down for next year?

tags / Splash house, air museum, edm, house music, palm springs, hotel garuda, rufus du sol, snake hips, riviera, saguaro hotel, saguaro, riviera hotel, pool party